Ulverstone Open Show - 14TH MAY 2011
Our Club Members brave the cold and dodge soccer balls at the
Ulverstone Open Show
Judge: All Sections; Mr James Allchin, Dilston TAS
14th May 2011
Ulverstone recreation ground hosts many soccer matches and many kids dragging their mums over to have a pat of a chook before the start of their game!
It is great to see so many parents and soccer kids interested in having a look at the Poultry Show.
Many of us including myself find ourselves dodging unexpected run-away soccer balls, while taking our birds into the poultry pavilion...to much of the kid’s amusement!
Champion Bird of the Show:
Mr Morris Young; Black Langshan Bantam pullet
Reserve Champion Bird of the Show:
Mr Harvey Pyke; Old English Game, Black/Red D/L Hen
Champion Waterfowl:
Champion Large Breed: Mr John Blizzard; Pekin Draking
Champion Bantam Waterfowl; Mr John Blizzard; White Mallard Drakling
Champion Soft Feather Large Fowl:
Mr Morris Young: Ancona Hen
Reserve Champion Soft Feather Large Fowl:
Michael & Sarah Keep: Brown Leghorn Pullet
Champion Hard Feather Large Fowl:
Mr Harvey Pyke; Old English Game, Black/Red D/L Hen
Champion Soft Feather Bantam:
Mr Morris Young; Black Langshan Bantam pullet
Champion Hard Feather Bantam:
Mr Eian Rayner: Modern-Game Bantam, Black/Red Pullet
Reserve Champion Hard Feather Bantam:
Mr R.Walsh: Old English-Game Bantam, Black/Red D/L Pullet
Junior Awards
Champion Junior Exhibitor:
Jack Evans: Old English-Game Bantam, Black/Red D/L Hen
Reserve Champion Exhibitor:
Jak Langford: Old English-Game Bantam, Ginger Cock Bird
Best of Breed awards
Best Large Brown Leghorn:
Michael & Sarah Keep; Brown Leghorn Pullet
Best Welsummer or Minorca:
Michael & Sarah Keep; Welsummer Pullet
Best of Breed, Leghorn or Ancona Bantam:
Jerrod Oliver: Pullet-Breeder, Brown Leghorn Cockerel
Best A.O.C Hard Feather Old, English, Game Bantam:
Dale & Wendy Barker; Spangle L/L Hen
Best Old, Enlish, Game Bantam Black/Red dark or light leg:
Mr R.Walsh Black/Red D/L Pullet
Best Large Old English Game; Pile, Creel or A.O.C;
Mr R.Walsh; A.O.C Cockerel
Best Large Wyandotte:
Mr Ross Nester; Cloumbian Cockerel
It was great to see Mr David Biddle who is a honourary member of our Club, who has not being enjoying the best of health late. Up and about again, we would like to wish him a full and speedy recovery.